Correction Officers Fear Extinction By Attrition & Artificial Intelligence

In 25 years, there will no longer be a need for corrections officers because today’s inmate is evolving at such a rapid pace that the methods that were once used and never changed will be obsolete. The inmate, you say? Rapid-paced? Yes, today’s inmates are hipsters, millennial’s, and youngsters getting softer around the edges. They exchanged weightlifting for books, strived for education, embraced small business, and grew younger. Unfortunately, the corrections officer has not evolved but rather digressed in contrast to the inmate; the COs use the same torturous tools that their predecessors used hundreds of years ago.
Albuquerque’s local jail, the Metropolitan Detention Center, has warned the general public of a possible riot. The term “riot” itself is becoming obsolete. The individuals who would participate in such an event or thought such things are either in prison or very old. The new inmate doesn’t want to concern themselves with anything that could hurt their chances of release. Here’s the thing, MDC already had their riot, the one they were afraid of. They had a Digital Riot (ransomware), a group of hackers, or someone recently attacked them. Not surprising, there was no physical riot whatsoever, and there won’t be. There will be too much prison time added to someone’s sentence for that to happen. The youngsters won’t allow it. That illustrates my point: They focused on the wrong type of riot. They were concentrating on a physical one; nothing would be physical again.
“The main culprit of violence in prisons and jails are not the inmates; it’s the correctional staff.”

There is a natural cycle that an inmate takes to become the property of the State. It seems logical, except when you look at the roles people play within that natural cycle. First, the inmate has committed a crime. The law says that crime is illegal, so the police take the inmate to jail. Here is where the waters get murky. The corrections officer doesn’t possess a law degree, a social work degree, most of them don’t have college degrees, yet when you are at MDC, they treat you as a cop, jury, judge and therapist. Why is that? Let’s explore why the corrections officer is set to be extinct.
Gone are the days that every corrections officer needed to be juiced up on steroids so that they could look intimidating. How big should a person be to boss around a human being without underwear and sandals on? Hey, if the petite female guards can put just as much fear into an inmate, why do we need Body By Jake? The main culprit of violence in prisons and jails are not the inmates; it’s the correctional staff. They cause the underlying problems that make prisons and jails so violent, to begin with. What is the chemical makeup of a correctional officer? Basically, what does it take to be a correctional officer and the people who go for this less than an exciting career?

It must indeed suck to live double lives. As a spouse, since you can’t go and deliver coffee to your significant other, you have to wonder what goes on in a place like MDC. As a corrections officer, you have to be ok with playing God one moment and then on the outs, having to keep your head down the next moment in fear for your life that no one recognizes you. The corrections officer is a very bitter person. Why? Because no one wakes up and decides to become a CO, no one ever dreams when they are kids that that is their inspiration and goal in life, no one wants to become a corrections officer. So how are corrections officers created, or a better word would be spawned? Well, they are created by a byproduct of their failure. Most of these people want to become police officers or FBI agents, DEA, ICE, etc. That is what they all dreamed of as kids, but apparently, no one told them that they needed at least a 100 IQ even to qualify to do the fitness tests.
Therefore, the people that we have right now are the failures that couldn’t hack it in the big leagues; therefore, their vitriol attitudes rub off at work by treating human beings the way no one should be treated. They play God. Period. Then because of this, they can’t go to public gatherings, they can’t wear their uniform in public, they have put themselves in a position where we no longer need their hateful tactics.
“Gone are the days that every corrections officer needed to be juiced up on steroids so that they could look intimidating..”

What can a robot do that a CO can’t? Robots will always have the ability to be told what to do. They can be turned off. They can be reprogrammed. They are also learning the difference between right and wrong. We have already started the new journey of adding AI to certain prisons and jails. For example, robotic devices now serve food. Some facilities have the robot escort the inmate to and from their appointments. But the main thing that a robot can do that a CO cannot do is not be biased towards the inmate. Treat them all with equal respect, not take advantage or violate them. There is much to be learned. But what I do know is that these men and women should start looking at a career change because the downsizing for prisons and jails is coming.
If you have noticed MDCs correction officers are at an all-time low, click on the link below if you feel the need to apply and you’ve failed at everything else.